Its ladies night to night but not just any kind of ladies night. Get yourself down to Tabernacle, Powis sqaure in London Town from 6pm for Cycle Erotica...
"An open invitation to all "Ladies Who Cycle" in Greater London to join our club and come down to our first gathering of like-minded ladies who ride.
We are making a calendar in celebration of the freedom the bicycle gave women in the early parts of last century. 1890's-1930's.
This Calendar is a celebration of those two gifts of life adjoined at the groin......A woman and her bicycle.
Backdrop will be Victorian. We will provide vintage ladies bikes. Costume need not be strict, more a recreation of those bygone times, a recycling of the ideals and the aesthetics. The feel is very much a romantic notion of life and the sexual freedom the bicycle gave women.
There will be a dressing up box, although best to bring your own outfit.
Hair and makeup will also be available.
The photo booth is private so you and your friends can have fun within it......The calendars will be printed up before Christmas through www.photobox.com
Please RSVP ladieswhocycle@gmail.com to let us know you are interested and we look forward to seeing you astride your bike!!
PS If you MUST bring a man, have him in appropriate attire.
May you ride Happily Ever After
Milena and Karta
Interesting thought ... I fear that there is nothing erotic about a man's relationship with his bike - which is a great pity. I guess there could be something vaguely attractive though about men dressing up in Victorian kit, draped around vintage bikes ... perhaps an idea for next time around.
Speaking for the men reading your blog, what a pity you can't show the pictures ... perhaps a tantalising glimpse of ankle at least??? Or rim of wheel?
"I fear that there is nothing erotic about a man's relationship with his bike"
Oh, I disagree!
What a fabulous idea, this photo shoot.
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