Raleigh launched their Raliegh Twenty range of pint sized bicycles back in 1968, when people still dealt in shillings! They have proved to be sturdy little fellas as there are still plenty about today and have become quite the fashion accessory amongst trendy East London folk.
Raleigh do have a modern version but they are nowhere near as cool as these vintage charmers. But It's not just charm the R20's have to offer they are highly practical city bikes being easy to store in your flat and nice and light if you have to get them up stairs or on trains. The Raleigh shoppers are my personal favourites with a basket and a saddle bag and they come in a wonderful range of colours from Neptune Blue to Flamenco red...they just don't make them like they used to! Do not fear however if you want to get one of these rather special little bikes have a look on ebay or a nice website I have found that specialises in recycled vintage bikes Re-Buy-cycle
I bought a raleigh twenty on Ebay for £46.00 and have been fixing it up myself (a bit confused about the sturny archer gears) I can leave it locked outside the house and keep my beautiful Cannondale R400roadbike (also bought on Ebay) safely hanging up inside.
I recommend the raleigh twenty for smaller people I am 5 foot 3/4 inches. The stem and handle bars are easlily adjustable.Furthermore, I have noticed the upright position makes you more visible in traffic then little road frames. Though this should not prevent small people from using them.
Found your blog yesterday and have achieved nothing at work since. My bike was stolen and I've bought a Raleigh Shopper while waiting for insurance to come through. Love it!! Will continue to use it daily to get to the station even when my Caprice arrives - so glad I've rediscovered the joy of riding thanks to my bike (I had one when I was 10, so wish I had kept it now). Do you know where I could get the poster you've shown of the Raleigh Twenties?
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