This lovely picture is one of the entrants of Lambeth Council's Bicycle Belles photography competition. Aswell as being a great picture I think the photographer should get brownie points for managing to find a a sunny day. We've been a bit short changed in sun yet again this year so lets all keep our fingers crossed theat we get a few more like this before Autumn kicks in.
Fingers crossed for a late Indian summer!
Living on London Fields your picnic sounds like a nightmare. We already have to dodge all of the self righteous cyclists on the pedestrian footpaths let alone the speeding commuters on the cycle lanes.
Please bear in mind London Fields is a fragile ancient common and not simply an inner city park. It is against Hackney's bye-laws to cycle anywhere other than the two green cycle lanes. You must cycle responsibly and not endanger pedestrians including children and dogs. Please stop burning the grass with your BBQ's.
If you want to be sustainable try and look at the bigger picture and respect the safety and enjoyment of other users on London Fields.
I hope it rains then we won't have to wade through the piles of rubbish left behind the next day.
I don't know how the picnic went, but I'm really disappointed in 'lovelondonfields' comments.
Not all cyclists are the same, and it's very wrong to angrily brand all cyclists in the London Fields area in a negative way.
I hope it didn't rain, and I hope people continue to enjoy cycling ALL over London in a safe and responsible way. Cyclists have as much right to enjoy open spaces as much as pedestrians - we just have to show a bit more respect for one another.
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